I hope you will enjoy these cliques ^-^ You are welcome to take the code "as is" and place it on your website or you may "right-click" and save the image to your own computer. I do ask that you do not redistribute or alter my codes/images in any way. Thank you! ♥
I Love Halloween
If you enjoy this time of the year and love eating some yummy candy, this is the clique for you!
I Love My Fishies
Are you a fishie lover? Love how they go "bloo bloo"? ^-^ Then come on and join this clique!
I'm A Latina Webmistress
Eres latina and own & run your own website? Then show your support for us latinas and place this cutie on your sitio ^-~
Pelo Negro
If you have black hair and just love it (like me!), then join this clique! ^-~
Pelo Largo
Rapunzel, Rapunzel *heh heh* Show your love for us long haired beauties! ^-~
★ I Support SD ★
Show your support for this little ol' website with this cute pixel text ^-^
*feel free to recolor!*
I ♥ Hello Kitty
Calling all Hello Kitty fans! Show your love for this "girl" ;]
sp@m is poopie
Ugh, annoying junk mail and people posting dumb dumb stuff! *booo!* ;[